Start-up, Working or Growth Capital

Bank Instrument Monetisation is a low-risk method of trade finance that monetises inactive financial instruments by converting them into cash or cash equivalent by liquidating the instruments or raising Lines of Credit against their undertaking. Bank instruments can be monetized for project financing, term loans, export finance, business capitals and funding.

A Line of Credit is a pre-set amount of borrowing which can be used at any time and secured against an asset or security. The borrower can take money out within the limit as much as needed. Once the money is repaid, it can then be borrowed again, in the case of an open Line of Credit. A secure Line of Credit is guaranteed by a collateral asset of the business, for example through business/company shares or assets.

This collateral is monetised in order to facilitate a secure Line of Credit with a bank. Monetisation is the process of converting or establishing an asset into legal tender. If this credit is then unpaid, The lender will take control of the original collateral put forward as security, in this example the company shares or assets, which can then be sold or used to recoup any losses. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘cheque book’ facility. A Line of Credit has built-in flexibility, which is the main advantage. Whilst an open-end credit facility has the advantage of being flexible, it has the disadvantage of high-interest rates and large penalties for late payments or potential overspend.

Secured Loan Facilities, Credit Lines and Loans secured against “leased” bank instruments ( sometimes referred to as Monetisation of a Bank Guarantee or Standby Letter of Credit or SBLC ) are available on several platforms at very competitive rates and criteria. BRICS Project Finance can provide competitive Collateral Transfer facilities – a very efficient and flexible means to acquire the additional capital you may require for project financing or for the opening of trading positions and other varied requirements.

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  • A swift and compliant application procedure
  • Competitive collateral rates from 05,25% p.a.
  • Lending rates from 03,55% p.a.
  • Bespoke facility designed around your project funding requirement
  • Most international jurisdictions considered
  • Free quotations and illustrations upon request
  • Competitive transaction and booking fees
  • Corporate restructuring services available
  • A dedicated Client Relationship Manager is assigned to each application

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