Start-up, Working or Growth Capital

Business Capital refers to the money or funding that Companies require to fund their standard operations, produce goods and services, and to generate revenue. Our Business Capital or Business Loan Facility funds can be used to initiate business operations, meet daily expenses, grow and expand businesses.

We provide business loans for working capital required to meet the day-to-day functioning of a business, we also offer Growth Capital required for business to expand its operation and as well as seed capital or seed funding for the initial investments required to set up a business.

Our Business Capital Loan Facility comes in several varieties, and requires monthly or quarterly payments from client’s profits or cash flow. At BRICS Project Finance, Our Business Loan Facility are processed under Collateral Transfer and Bank Guarantees. Leased Bank Guarantees that are received under our Provider’s Collateral Transfer facilities can be used by the Recipient or Beneficiary to secure a Business Loan or Credit Line with our AAA rated banks. A bank typically will have no objection to offering credit against a Bank Guarantee which is received in this manner. Lending can be up to 100% of face value, less the advance of interest charged, and bank fees associated. However, typical lending rates are presumed to be between 80-90% of face value. The total term of credit for Business Loans can be for the duration of the lifespan of the Guarantee, and not exceeding the expiration.

These types of Guarantees are issued under facilities worded specifically to secure Business Loans and Lines of Credit. They are issued under ICC 758 protocol, which are a strict set of rules that cover all types of Guarantee and other payments. Guarantees are readily accepted by all international and private banks under this protocol and are often referred to as a Letter of Guarantee, Credit Facilities Guarantees or Standby Letters of Credit, which are easily monetised to cash capital for loans to finance business needs.

What fees apply?

When applying for a Guarantee to secure Business Loans through Lines of Credit, interest charges will apply in addition to the Contract Fee, which is for the rental fee of the Bank Guarantee. In our experience, international bank lending rates for loans secured against high quality security, tend to be in the region of 3% per 12-month term, possibly more. This cost will differ depending on jurisdictions and currencies. These facilities suit financial requirements for terms under 5 years or where returns are high, allowing higher expenditure on annual rates. The longer the term, the less suited Collateral Transfer facilities are and therefore we discourage terms in excess of 5 years, although they are achievable.

How can BRICS Project Finance facilitate?

BRICS Project Finance can assist its clients in raising Business Loans or Capital against Guarantees of this type in the event that our clients are unable to get lending facilities from their Bank. We hold strong relationships with reputable AAA rated banks and private equity groups holding an appetite to expand lending opportunities in this area. It should be noted however that fees will apply when utilising our Premium Provider’s Collateral and using our banking services to obtain a Business Loan Facility or Credit Lines. 

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  • A swift and compliant application procedure
  • Competitive collateral rates from 05,25% p.a.
  • Lending rates from 03,55% p.a.
  • Bespoke facility designed around your project funding requirement
  • Most international jurisdictions considered
  • Free quotations and illustrations upon request
  • Competitive transaction and booking fees
  • Corporate restructuring services available
  • A dedicated Client Relationship Manager is assigned to each application

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