Collateral Transfer & Project Finance

Collateral Transfer is a dynamic way of raising high-level capital to finance commercial enterprises and specific projects. It allows the Borrower to raise secured borrowings without encumbering existing assets, or where the Borrower holds inadequate assets and security for conventional lending requirements.

A Line of Credit is a pre-set amount of borrowing that can be used at any time and secured against an asset or security. The borrower can take money out within the limit as much as needed. Once the money is repaid, it can then be borrowed again, in the case of an open Line of Credit. A secure Line of Credit is guaranteed by a collateral asset of the business, for example through business/company shares or assets.

Combining effectively two simultaneous facilities, Collateral Transfer is the injection of investment capital via the medium of a Bank Guarantee (or Demand Guarantee) and the fusion of a Lombard loan indirectly utilising the imported collateral to secure short to mid-term funding at competitive lending rates.

Allowing Projects or Commercial Enterprises that do not have adequate security for conventional lending facilities to raise capital swiftly for short-term, mid-term, and long-term projects. Credit Facilities for Project Finance start from €10 million and are available in Swiss Francs, EURO€, GBP£, USD $, CNY¥, JPY¥‎, KRW₩, HKD$, SGD$, and several other currencies. Lower funding packages on similar terms are available for Term Loans and Business Capital on a case-by-case basis, please contact us for more information.

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  • A swift and compliant application procedure
  • Competitive collateral rates from 05,25% p.a.
  • Lending rates from 03,55% p.a.
  • Bespoke facility designed around your project funding requirement
  • Available from €10 million – unlimited (subject to project / location)
  • Most international jurisdictions considered
  • Funding terms up to 7 to 10 years
  • Bespoke bolt-on facilities, including convertible loan options at renewal
  • No personal guarantees required
  • Free quotations and illustrations upon request
  • Competitive transaction and booking fees
  • Corporate restructuring services available
  • A dedicated Client Relationship Manager is assigned to each application

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